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New gate locks to protect gardens in Gloucester city centre

Press Releases - 23/04/2016

Brunswick Square garden locks

The Gloucestershire Environmental Trust has funded new number-code locks for the gardens of Brunswick Square in Gloucester so the gardens can be secured at night, to protect the trees, planting and garden features.

Brunswick Square gardens have provided an oasis of open space in the centre of Gloucester for more than 100 years. Pre-1900 a Covenant was established that encouraged all landowners around the Square to allow public access to the gardens for leisure and relaxation.

Brunswick Square Central Lawn Association (BSCLA) continues to uphold this principle. The maintenance of the gardens is solely funded by voluntary donations from local residents, home owners and businesses and these donations are managed by the BSCLA. The gardens include 20 mature trees, lawns and indigenous shrubs to encourage wildlife. They are home to a wide variety of birds, also bats and squirrels. However, in recent years the gardens have been damaged at night because the locks on the garden gates were not secure, so the BSCLA sought funding to purchase new locks that would protect the gardens at night, while allowing local residents and sponsors access at all times.

The Gloucestershire Environmental Trust has provided £1090 towards the cost of the locks; £350 has been funded by Gloucester City Council. The Trust and the Council have both supported the maintenance and development of the gardens in the past, as a haven for urban wildlife and a community facility.

Members of the public are welcome to enjoy the Brunswick Square Gardens, off Brunswick Road in Gloucester at any time; the gardens are locked at twilight each evening and reopened at 8.00am (except Christmas Day).